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Trichoderma harzianum



Sugarcane, Turmeric, Banana, Coconut, Groundnut, Pulses, Tomato, Bhendi, Brinjal, Chillies, Onion, Ginger, Potato, Betelvine, Mulberry, Arecanut, Tea, Cardamom, Pepper, Grapes, Coffee and other Vegetables and Flowering Plants.

Salient Features

  • Bannari Root Care(TH) , secrete enzymes like glucanase and chitinase, which dissolve cell wall of the pathogenic fungi thereby reduce the disease factors.
  • Bannari Root Care(TH) , secrete toxic compounds like glycotoxin, viridin and trichodermin, which destroy the pathogenic fungi.

Methods of Application

Seed treatment

Mix 200 gm of Bannari Root Care(TH) with rice gruel or 5 % jaggery solution. Treat the seed materials required for an acre in the slurry before sowing.

Seedling, Tuber and Sett treatment

Dip the seedling, tuber and sett required for an acre in the solution containing 1 kg of Bannari Root Care(TH) with 50 litres of water.

Soil application
  • Mix 5 kgs of Bannari Root Care(TH) with 200 kgs of decomposed farm yard manure or biocompost and apply to the field.
  • For banana and coconut plants, apply Bannari Root Care(TH) at a depth of 2-3 cm @ 50 gm mixed with well decomposed farm yard manure near the root zone and cover it with soil.
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